The Desert Tortoise Council is excited to announce the 50th Annual Meeting and Symposium, which will be a hybrid event (both in-person and virtual attendance options) that will be held at the Palace Station Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, from February 25-28, 2025. A field trip is scheduled the day before the meeting on February 24. The Symposium will include a plenary address, invited and featured speakers, and contributed papers and posters. As befits the 50th celebratory year, the program will be exciting, challenging, and full of new information! We are fortunate in 2025 to be located close to the four state boundaries and a backdrop of many ongoing research projects. The symposium will be full of papers on desert tortoises, effects of climate warming and drying, tortoise demography and connectivity of populations, human effects on habitats, and the latest techniques for surveys, and methods for evaluating finding of the tortoise species. Dr. William Rees from the University of British Columbia at Vancouver will speak on a critical topic, climate overshoot, a subject of concern to all of us. Dr. Rees recently published a paper in World. Dr. Kristina Drake and Corey Mitchell, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, are organizing a session on demographic techniques and findings. Head-starting and translocations will be another topic of interest. We are especially pleased to have speakers on the latest topics of interest for the Sonoran tortoise and Texas tortoises, as well as the latest on releases of head-started Bolson tortoises in the United States. We will share more details about plenary speakers and the program in early January. The program will be posted on the website 30 days prior to the Symposium.
All room reservations must be made before the cutoff date of Friday, January 24, 2025 to receive the discounted group rate. Please click the Hotel Reservations button below.
Late registration rates kick in after January 15th so register now!
50th Symposium Sponsors
Please consider sponsoring the annual Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council. These one-time donations go directly to defraying the costs of the Annual Symposium. For additional information on sponsorship levels and to download the sponsorship form, please click the button below.
Thank you for your support!
Annual Field Trip – February 24, 2025
We will visit two recent burn sites, both within the Mojave National Preserve (MNP); the burn areas of the York Fire and the Dome Fire. In addition to the conversation upon arrival at each site we will spend an hour or so walking either on your own or with the trip leaders, Peter Woodman and MNP Personnel. Topics of discussion may include stats of the fires, fire-fighting techniques, revegetation efforts and success of those efforts-especially the Joshua tree plantings, rainfall amounts, return of mammals and herps to the burn areas, and growth of native versus non-native plants at all sites.
Annual Photo Contest
Each year we encourage our membership to submit their best wildlife and nature photographs for a chance to win cash prizes, as well as to aid the Desert Tortoise Council in educating the public and advocating desert conservation through photography.
ONLY digital submissions will be accepted and the absolute deadline is 5PM PST Friday February 21, 2025. No late entries will be accepted!
Symposium Raffle & Auction
The symposium will include various types of raffles and an auction as a fundraiser so the Council can continue to expand its conservation efforts for the tortoise. The raffle is only open to those who register for the Symposium. With the hybrid nature of the 2025 symposium, the Council will be holding both in-person and online raffles during the symposium, so all registrants can have the opportunity to win great prizes. Raffle tickets for in-person registrants can be purchased at the Symposium venue. For virtual participants, a link to purchase raffle tickets for E-Gift card prizes will be provided.
More announcements will be shared in the coming days.