Linda J. Allison Memorial Grant Announcement
Grant Details
In honor and memory of Linda Allison, former Desert Tortoise Monitoring Coordinator at the USFWS Desert Tortoise Recovery Office, the Desert Tortoise Council, with the aid of an anonymous donor, is pleased to offer the Linda J. Allison Memorial Grant. This grant consists of a monetary award to help support research that draws heavily on statistical techniques to evaluate spatial and/or temporal tortoise population trends and/or threats to tortoise populations in one or more desert regions in Critical Habitat Units designated for the Mojave desert tortoise, with a preference for projects in the Ivanpah Valley in Nevada.
Grant Amount
Applicants must be associated with a recognized institution (e.g., university, museum, government agency, non-governmental organization) and may be graduate students, post-doctoral students, or other researchers. The winner must agree to present a report on the results of the research in which award funds were used at a future Annual Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council.
Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be evaluated on the basis of the potential of the research to contribute to the understanding or evaluation of population trends of Mojave desert tortoises. Important considerations are the significance and originality of the research problem, design of sampling and analysis, preliminary data supporting the feasibility of the research, and the likelihood of successful completion and publication.
Application Procedure
- Click the button below to view/download the application.
- Provide all information requested on the application, including a description of the research project in no more than 1,200 words.
- Submit the completed application to email hidden; JavaScript is required as a pdf document.
- Applications must be supported by the applicant’s CV and three letters of recommendation, one of which must be from the applicant’s research advisor, supervisor, or a knowledgeable colleague. Instruct the recommenders to submit their letters to email hidden; JavaScript is required as pdf documents.
- All application materials and letters of recommendation must be received by March 15, 2025. Applications will be evaluated by a committee of tortoise biologists appointed by the Desert Tortoise Council Board of Directors and Grants & Academic Funding Committee.
- The research award recipient will be notified of his/her selection by April 1, 2025.