50th Annual Symposium Posters

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Posters will be set up at the venue during the meeting and poster authors will be available on Tuesday after the afternoon session, at the mixer to answer questions.

Seasonal shelter use and activity patterns in the Sonoran Desert Tortoise

Julianne Bullock (email hidden; JavaScript is required), Sean Sutor, Nancy E. McIntyre, Kerry L. Griffis-Kyle

Can Behavioral Plasticity Buffer Temperature Exposure in Juvenile Desert Tortoises?

Rachael S. Cohen, Tom A. Radzio, Talisin T. Hammond, Ronald R. Swaisgood, Melissa J. Merrick

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, Escondido, CA

Hot Spots & Cold Shoulders: How does familiarity affect behavior & Burrow use of hatchling desert tortoises?

Talisin Hammod¹*, Thomas Radzio¹*, Tristan Walter², Melissa Merrick¹

  1. San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
  2. Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior

*Authors contributed equally

Bolson Tortoise (Gopherus flavomarginatus) Reproduction and Nest Site Selection at the Semi-captive Tortoise Rearing Facility in New Mexico

Scott Hillard and Christiane Wiese

Turner Endangered Species Fund, Ladder Ranch, Caballo, NM

Validating iButtons for Characterizing Summer Nighttime Microhabitat Use in Desert Tortoises Across Life Stages

Katelyn N. Rock¹,², Thomas A. Radzio¹, Talisin T. Hammond¹, Ronald R. Swaisgood¹, and Melissa J. Merrick¹

  1. San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, 15600 San Pasqual Valley Road, Escondido, CA 92027
  2. email hidden; JavaScript is required, (619)890-8949